Can I convert a PDF file in French to a word document with VeryPDF PDF To Word?

Yes, with the help of VeryPDF PDF To Word Converter v2.0,you can convert the PDF file in France to a word document.

  When a file is converted to PDF, it loses its meaning. Why I said like that? On the surface all the information is there, and to your eyes it looks exactly the same, actually if do not have the corresponding knowledge to the PDF file, you can not understand it. You are blind to this PDF file. Say you are a Chinese and you do not understand France, you will feel blind to this PDF file. This forms the heart of the challenge faced when attempting to convert PDF files back to formats like DOC, then VeryPDF PDF To Word was born. This software will more helpful to share the international information resources and tackle the language barrier. If you combine it with a useful translation tools, this software could be used as PDF translator.

This article will tell you how to tackle PDF language barrier?

  • Download it here:  Please save this “verydoc_pdf2word.exe” file and let it run in your PC. The icon is like this. 1
  • Take a PDF file in France for example. I named it “French.pdf”.


  • Add “French.pdf”to PDF To Word Converter. Two ways of adding files are available. Adding files by draging or clicking function button.


  • Choose the menu options on the menu list. By choosing you can keep its original layout or discard all the pictures in the PDF file. Also you can decide it to be kept in doc or rtf.


  • Choose the page range. Convert all the pages, click the first one. Convert part of it, please choose page range from Pn to Pm. Say you want to convert it from P5 to P10, choose as the picture shows.


  • If your source file has no password, please ignore this menu option.


  • Click the “convert” button and name the new word file and do not forget to save it. You’d better name it the same as the PDF file for your future searching.


  • It only takes a few seconds to finish the converting. The process during the converting is shown like this following picture.Then the word document shows up automatically.



By this way you can convert the PDF file to word document. This software not only supports French but also German, Italian and many other languages. It still has many other functions, please read the usage carefully, it will be helpful for your future use.

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