How to run doc2pdf.exe from an non-administrator user account?
We use doc2pdf in a C# windows service to parse documents. Windows service requires to run under administrator user to run doc2pdf. My question to...
Technology Center for VeryDOC products.
We use doc2pdf in a C# windows service to parse documents. Windows service requires to run under administrator user to run doc2pdf. My question to...
I am using the trial version of your Spool File Page Counter SDK to count color pages. I have requested that we purchase the product....
Hi support, I downloaded the software from, I plan to integrate this with C++ code... however, I have found there is no detail document...
Hello, I downloaded the converter pdf2pdfa to try before you buy the license. I installed in d:\pdf2pdfa_cmd, the command I write is: cd pdf2pdfa_cmdpdf2pdfa.exe sample1.pdf...
Does your company offer a toolkit for licensing for your PDF to CAD utility? We are interested in licensing and embedding this technology in our...