Any to watermarked PDF by Doc to Any Converter

Question:Hello, I've been looking at your suite of products as opposed to some other options. 'DOC to Any Converter' seems to be the product which might help me with my need. However, I also need to be able to apply a watermark to a PDF document, which means PDF(non watermarked) > PDF(watermarked).
The ideal hypothetical product for me is 'Any to watermarked PDF. Can you please suggest which product or product combination would achieve this? I see that there is 'Doc Converter COM', but I can't justify USD 2,000 for what I need to do - I would be better with alternative solutions.
For PDF(non watermarked) to PDF(watermarked) I thought about Step 1 - 'PDF to Word Converter', then Step 2 - 'DOC to Any Converter', but maybe you have a better idea.Look forward to hearing.

Answer:  Yes, your method is too complicated. From any to watermarked PDF, simply one software VeryDOC DOC to Any Converter can help you make that. In the following part,  I will show you how to use this software to convert any to watermarked PDF file.

Step 1. Download  DOC to Any Converter

  • This is command line version software. When downloading finishes, there will be an zip file. Please unzip it to some folder then you can check the elements in it.
  • When you use this software, please input the command line according to the usage and example.

Step 2. Convert Any to watermarked PDF

Usage: DOC2Any [options] <in-file> [<out-file>]

  • This software can convert *.DOC, *.DOCX, *.RTF, *.TXT, *.PPT, *.PPTX, *.XLS, *.XLSX  and others as input.
  • When output is PDF, you can add watermark according to your need.
  • When convert any doc file to PDF and add watermark, please refer to the following command line template.
  • doc2any.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" "C:\in.doc" C:\out.pdf
    doc2any.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wc "0000FF" "C:\in.ppt" C:\out.pdf
    doc2any.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wx 100 -wy 100 "C:\in.docx" C:\out.pdf
    doc2any.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wtype 1 "C:\in.pptx" C:\out.pdf
    doc2any.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wtype 2 "C:\in.xls" C:\out.pdf
    doc2any.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wtype 0 -wa 45 "C:\in.doc" C:\out.pdf
    doc2any.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wf "Arial" "C:\in.doc" C:\out.pdf
    doc2any.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wf "Arial" -wh 20 "C:\in.doc" C:\out.pdf
    doc2any.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wf "Arial" -wh 20 -wb -wi -wu -ws "C:\in.doc" C:\out.pdf
    doc2any.exe -wtext "VeryPDF" -wf "Arial" -walign 3 -wh 20 -wbox "0,770,612,792" "C:\in.doc" C:\out.pdf
    Related Parameters:
    -wtext <string>      : watermark on printed document
    -wtype <int>           : type of watermark
        0 : normal watermark
        1 : watermark on header
        2 : watermark on footer
    -wf <string>      : font name of watermark
    -wh <int>           : font size of watermark
    -wb                      : specify bold font
    -wi                       : specify an italic font
    -wu                      : specify an underlined font
    -ws                      : specify a strikeout font
    -wa <int>           : angle of watermark
    -wbox <string> : a rectangle to output formatted text, it is only useful for "-walign" option, eg:
        -wbox "0,0,595,842"
        -wbox "0,0,612,792"

By those above command line templates, you can convert any doc files to watermarked PDF file.  During the using, if you have any question, please contact us as soon as possible.

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