An easy way to help you convert rtf to jpg and set color depth

The color depth of raster image is same with image bit-count. And for jpg image, the higher value of image bit-count is, the bigger size jpg image is, and the clearer jpg image is. And this article is to tell you how to convert rtf to jpg and set image bit-count of jpg with DOC to Any Converter Command Line easily.

If you want to know more about this process, here is the method below

1. Run the command prompt window

In Windows systems, the command prompt window is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line. It is essential to open it in your computer in order to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line. To open it in your computer, you can run “cmd” in your computer, and to realize it, please follow the steps below:

click “start” > press “Run” > type “cmd” > click “ok”

Then the command prompt window can be popped out quickly on your screen.

2. Type the command line and one click to process this task

In the command prompt window, when you find a current directory, you can launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line at that current directory. To launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can input the path of “doc2any.exe” in the command prompt window. Then maybe you need to refer to the following to type command line:

set image bit-count of jpg –> add single rtf file –> find a targeting folder for jpg

After launching DOC to Any Converter Command Line, to edit image bit-count of jpg, you can type the relative parameter, which is “-bitcount <int>”, where “<int>” can be 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 32; to add single rtf file for this process, you can type its path into the command prompt window; to find a targeting folder for jpg, please input its path into the command prompt window, then you can continue to name jpg image and add its file extension in the command prompt window. It is essential to follow the above one step by one step to finish the basic prepared work, and here is the relative command line below:

d:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –bitcount 1 e:\doc2any\in.rtf e:\doc2any\out.jpg

(note: “-bitcount 1” is to set image bitcount as 1, which helps you get jpg images of black and white)

Also you can set the value in “-bitcount” as other proper int values, and at last, you can press “enter” to convert rtf to jpg with specific color depth.

By now, if you want to obtain this dreaming tool----DOC to Any Converter Command Line right now, you can click this link:; if you want to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line and get more compatible parameters, please click the following link to go to the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line: Any questions about the process from rtf to jpg and set color depth of jpg, you can drop your comment here, thank you very much!

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