A way to convert xls to postscript

PS could represent postscript usually, whose file extension is *.ps. PS file is a vector image file that could still contains raster graphs and text files. How to convert xls to postscript? Here is the converting tool to convert xls to postscript below:

DOC to Any Converter Command Line----an extraordinary and revolutionary creation that could help users converting so many formats for each other, which works in MS-DOS system. Here is the main page of DOC to Any Converter Command Line: https://www.verydoc.com/doc-to-any-options.html. To download DOC to Any Converter Command Line to try it, please click this link: https://www.verydoc.com/doc2any_cmd.zip.

For DOC to Any Converter Command Line could work with command lines, so I could display some parameters, perhaps you could use some of them to convert xls to postscript:

-wtext <string>          : Watermark text on printed document
-wtext does support following dynamic values: %PageCount%, %PageNumber%, %PageCountRoman%, %PageCountRoman2%, %PageNumberRoman%, %PageNumberRoman2%, %Author%, %Keywords%, %Subject%, %Title%, %Filename%, %Date%, %Time%

Below is the steps to convert xls to postscript with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

1. Run cmd.exe, the method are as below:

  • click [start]>choose [Run]>input [cmd]>click [ok], MS-DOS dialog box could be opened;
  • click [Windows+R]>input [cmd]>click [ok]->MS-DOS system could be shown as a dialog box.

2. Open DOC to Any Converter Command Line, there are several steps to follow:

  • to be back to root directory of MS-DOS system: input [cd\] and click [enter];
  • if doc2any.exe is on disc (D), input [D:] and click [enter] to enter into the disk of doc2any.exe(for instance, if doc2any.exe is on disk (F), please input [F:] and click [enter]);
  • drag [doc2any.exe] into the dialog box and click [space], or just input the path of [doc2any.exe] directly and click [space].

3. Input the parameters of postscript file, type the parameters and click [space] to be continued. It is necessary to click [space] button after inputting each parameter:

input [–wtext “%PageNumberRoman2% of %PageCountRoman2%”] and click [space] button, for example.

4. Input source path and click [space].

5. Input the path of targeting folder, then input [\], and type a created file name of ps, then input [.ps], or drag a file into dialog box, then rename it and change its file extension as [.ps], you could change its location, if you would like.

6. Let DOC to Any Converter Command Line process xls to postscript:

click [enter] button, later, when the MS-DOS screen display <Result=1>, the conversion of pptx to postscript is successful. You could fine your postscript file in the objective folder.

A way to convert xls to postscript

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