A way to convert specified page of PDF to flash?

In Windows systems, PDF to Flash Converter can help you convert specified page of PDF to SWF with command line. With the help of PDF to Flash Converter, you can realize this process easily without PDF reader or editor in Windows platforms.

Here are the steps below:

1. Install PDF to Flash Converter on your computer

Please download a zip file from this link firstly: https://www.verydoc.com/pdftoflash_cmd.zip. Then, please open this zip file, and extract its content to your computer so that “pdftoflash.exe” can be called in conversion later.

2. Open running environment of PDF to Flash Converter on your computer

The operating environment of PDF to Flash Converter is the command prompt window. And it can be opened through running “cmd.exe” on your computer, and you can realize the running of “cmd.exe” with this way:

click “start” on your computer > select “Run” by clicking it on start menu > type “cmd.exe” in dialog box of “Run” > click “OK”

3. Type command line to convert specified page of PDF to SWF on your computer

After the command prompt window is opened on your screen, please see the following command line firstly:

pdftoflash.exe -pagerange "6,7" f:\input\example3.pdf d:\output\example3.swf

In the command line above, you may need to know several tips below:

pdftoflash.exe stands for path of “pdftoflash.exe” used to run PDF to Flash Converter in command prompt window, and you need to type the real path of “pdftoflash.exe” in order to call “pdftoflash.exe” for running PDF to Flash Converter; -pagerange "6,7" is a parameter with value to set converting page range of PDF, which means the sixth and seventh pages of PDF can be converted later; f:\input\example3.pdf is the source path of PDF file, which is inputted for adding this PDF file for this process; d:\output\example3.swf is the objective path used to save and name your Flash file in command prompt window directly.

When you want to accomplish this task in command prompt window, you can copy and paste the command line above to your command prompt window, then change relative directories there to make this command line be yours. At last, when you finish the typing like above, please click “enter” in command prompt window, then your PDF to Flash Converter can help you convert sixth page and seven page of PDF file into one flash file.

When you finish reading the paragraphs above, which are about how to convert specified page of PDF to flash with PDF to Flash Converter, if you want to know more of PDF to Flash Converter, please go to its homepage at this link: https://www.verydoc.com/pdf-to-flash.html, where there can be many parameters used with PDF to Flash Converter, At last, thank you for reading this article.

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