A way to convert rtf to pdf and edit pdf subject

Besides the conversion from excel to pdf, DOC to Any Converter Command Line also can help you convert rtf to pdf and edit pdf subject flexibly in Windows platforms. You can read the following article to know more about this process.

Firstly, please download DOC to Any Converter Command Line to your computer from this link: https://www.verydoc.com/doc2any_cmd.zip. Then, please extract the content to your computer, from which DOC to Any Converter Command Line can be used in your computer.

After DOC to Any Converter Command Line has been in your computer, you need to choose one of ways to open the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

  • click “start” > select “Run” > type “cmd.exe” > click “ok”
  • click “Windows + R” hotkey – input “cmd” and hit “ok” in dialog box of “Run”

Then, please type the path of “doc2any.exe” in order to call “doc2any.exe” to make DOC to Any Converter Command Line as your main tool for this task. Then click “space” to type this parameter “-subject <string>”, where “<string>” needs to be a real string as the subject of pdf; click “space” so that you can continue to type the path of rtf file in order to add this rtf file for the conversion, and click “space”, then input a targeting path so that pdf file can be saved and named directly in the command prompt window. At last, you need to click “enter” in the command prompt window, then DOC to Any Converter Command Line can convert rtf to pdf and set pdf subject quickly.

Here are the examples below:

D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –subject “star trek” D:\doc2any_cmd\input.rtf D:\doc2any_cmd\output.pdf

f:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –subject “beautiful heart” d:\input\source.rtf d:\output\target.pdf

g:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –subject “naruto” f:\source\in.rtf f:\target\out.pdf

At last, besides this process, which is basically about a conversion from rtf to pdf and editing pdf subject, other kinds of conversions can be found on the official webpage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line: https://www.verydoc.com/doc-to-any-options.html.

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