A way to convert excel to eps

Excel file format is xls, which has file extension of *.xls, and Eps file format is eps, which has file extension of *.eps, and how to convert excel to eps quickly? You may think you could use GUI converters to convert excel to eps, but here I could give you the better way on converting speed, it is to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert excel to eps. And the command lines could be used in MS-DOS system, thus, of course, DOC to Any Converter Command Line still need to work in MS-DOS system, and it could convert almost every file format from doc files, such as jpg, pdf, and ps etc.. To know more details of converting excel to eps, please read the following paragraphs below:

To use DOC to Any Converter Command line, you might need to open MS-DOS system first, here are the steps below:

click “Windows+R” hotkey of keyboard, then a dialog box could be popup, then input “cmd.exe” into the edit-box of “Run”, and then click “ok” button, finally, MS-DOS system could be opened as a dialog box. Here is the current directory in MS-DOS system below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

Then it’s time to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

input the path of doc2any.exe, then click “space” button.

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe

Prepare the source file for the conversion of excel to eps:

drag the source file into the dialog box of MS-DOS system directly, then click “space” button:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe D:\a\b.xls

At last, please input the targeting path for the conversion of excel to eps, then click “enter” button to convert excel to eps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe D:\a\b.xls
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Processing 1 of 1 sheets, sheet name is 'Sheet1'...
Conversion time = 1391ms
D:\a\b.xls ==> E:\b.eps, result=OK
TickCount = 1391ms(1.39s), Result = 1

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

To set up the properties of eps during the conversion of excel to eps, you could input the parameters to reach it. As an example, <options> could be parameters here to let you know how to input the parameters, please refer to below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe <options> D:\a\b.xls

To know more parameters of eps, you could click this link: https://www.verydoc.com/doc-to-any-options.html. Also, you could click this link to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line. To experience DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link: https://www.verydoc.com/doc2any_cmd.zip.

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