A way to convert doc to eps

EPS stands for Encapsulated PostScript File whose file contain 2D vector graphics, bitmap images, and text. EPS files are supported by several different drawing programs and vector graphic editing applications. DOC is a file format of MS Word 2003, whose file extension is *.doc. You may ask how to convert doc to eps? Do not worry about this kind of question please, for DOC to Any Converter Command Line could help you for almost anything in the conversion of doc to eps! DOC to Any Converter Command Line is a flawless converting tool, which has been designed to help users convert *.DOC, *.DOCX, *.RTF, *.TXT, *.PPT, *.PPTX, *.XLS, *.XLSX files to PDF, PS, EPS, SVG, SWF, XPS, HPGL, PCL, TIF, PNG, JPG, BMP, GIF, TGA, PCX, EMF, WMF,
etc. formats.

Here is the way to convert doc to eps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

To use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert doc to eps, please download DOC to Any Converter Command Line from https://www.verydoc.com/doc2any_cmd.zip, and unzip it into your computer of Windows system, for DOC to Any Converter Command Line could work in MS-DOS system, then“doc2any.exe” will be located in the folder of doc2any_cmd after your unzipping. Then click ‘doc2any.exe’ to install DOC to Any Converter Command Line in your pc.

To enter into MS-DOS system, please click the hotkey of keyboard: “Windows+R” to launch the dialog box of “Run”, where you need to input “cmd” into the edit box, and click the button of “ok”, and the MS-DOS dialog box could be popped out. “C:\Documents and Settings\admin>” is the default setting from Window system. Here is the command line as default in the dialog box of MS-DOS system below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

Then input the path of doc2any.exe to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line after the current directory above, and click “space” button in order to continue to type other command lines:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe

Please drag source file into dialog box to prepare the source file for the conversion of doc to eps, then click “space”:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe E:\xyzyx.doc

Please input the objective route of eps:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe E:\xyzyx.doc D:\sudalv.eps

At last, please click “enter” button of keyboard to let DOC to Any Converter Command Line convert doc to eps. Later, your eps file could be added into the disk of D. By now, it is the end of converting doc to eps with DOC to Any Converter Command Line.


If you want to convert doc to eps without complex path of “doc2any.exe, here is another method below:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>D: <enter>

D:\>cd<space> D:\doc2any_cmd<enter>

D:\doc2any_cmd>doc2any <space>xyzyx.doc <space>sudalv.eps<enter>

These command lines above could help you convert “xyzyx.doc” doc to eps “sudalv.eps”, which is faster that the first method, the point is you need to copy xyzyx.doc to doc2any_cmd folder of D disk.

If you want to know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and get official authorized DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link: https://www.verydoc.com/doc-to-any-options.html.

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