A way to convert MS Office 2010 pptx to bmp and set bmp resolution with virtual printer

If you want to print pptx file to bmp file, here is a convenient way to convert MS Office 2010 and Office 2007 pptx to bmp and set bmp resolution with DOC to Any Converter Command Line in this article, if you are interested in it, please read the following paragraphs.

First, DOC to Any Converter Command Line and the virtual printer of “docprint pro” are the main converters in this article. Thus, you need to install them in your computer. Before they are installed in your computer, you need to download DOC to Any Converter Command Line and the virtual printer “docprint pro” from the following links:

https://www.verydoc.com/doc2any_cmd.zip  (DOC to Any Converter Command Line)

http://dl.verypdf.net/docprint_pro_setup.exe  (docprint pro virtual printer)

Then, to install them in your computer, please unzip the related folder or program to your computer, then you can call "doc2any.exe" to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line later. And double-click the installer “docprint_pro_setup.exe” to install this virtual printer following the setup wizard, then the virtual printer “docprint pro” can be installed in your computer.

Second, you need to set this virtual printer as default printer in your computer. To realize in your computer, you need to follow the steps below:

click “start” in your computer, then please press “Printers and Faxes” on start menu, and after you open “Printers and Faxes”, please use the right button of mouse to click “docprint”, and on the dropdown list, please select “Set as Default Printer”.

After the main tools can be installed, you can follow the steps below to process your task from pptx to bmp with the specific bmp resolution:

1. Start the running environment

In Windows systems, the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line is the command prompt window, however, it is easy to run “cmd.exe” to open the command prompt window in Windows platforms. To realize it in your computer, you can follow the steps below:

press “Windows + R”, then after you get the dialog box “Run”, please type “cmd.exe” and click “ok” to run “cmd.exe” in your computer, then a window can be opened, which is the command prompt window.

2. Use the command line to process the task

To use the command line to start the conversion in the command prompt window, you can refer to the command line below, which is an example about this process from Office 2007 and Office 2010 pptx file to bmp file with virtual printer and DOC to Any Converter Command Line:

g:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe –useprinter –xres 234 –yres 234 d:\input6\input.pptx d:\output6\output.bmp

The tips in the command line above are as follows:

  • g:\doc2any_cmd\doc2any.exe is the path of “doc2any.exe”, which is used to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line
  • –useprinter is a parameter to run the default virtual printer in the command prompt window
  • –xres 234 is a parameter to set the horizontal resolution as 234
  • –yres 234  is a parameter to edit the vertical resolution as 234
  • d:\input6\input.pptx is the source path to add the pptx file
  • d:\output6\output.bmp is the objective path, which helps you save bmp files and name them directly in the command prompt window

After all the prepared work is done well, you need to click “enter” to start this process in the command prompt window. And in the process to edit the resolution of images, “-useprinter –xres <int> –yres <int>” are essential, which can not be missed if using virtual printer to process the task, and also you need to input these parameters in turns in the command prompt window. Moreover, the higher int value is, the bigger dimension and size of bmp is, and the clearer the bmp is, vice versa.

When this article is nearly an end, I can give you the link of the homepage of DOC to Any Converter Command Line: https://www.verydoc.com/doc-to-any-options.html, which can tell you more parameters and more information about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, if you want to know more. And thank you for reading this article, which is about a process with DOC to Any Converter Command Line from Office 2010 and Office 2007 pptx to bmp and edit bmp resolution, also you can choose to avoid to use the virtual printer to process the task, which is convenient, too.

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