Convert PDF to DWG

If you want to convert the document of PDF to DWG which is supported by CAD program, you can use the command line application PDF to DWG Converter which is specially designed for converting the PDF document to DWG or DXF format files. It is a stand-alone application which do not rely on any PDF readers or CAD programs. It supports to create the target files of AutoCAD 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2002, 2000, R14 etc. versions.

Please see the detailed introductions about the command line application at its homepage: where you can also see the examples about the command line to be used in different conversions. If you want to buy the application, you need to visit this homepage and there are two kinds of licenses supplied for you.

If you want to use PDF to DWG Converter on a server, you can buy the server license. If you want to redistribute or embed the command line application to your developed applications, please buy the developer license.

If you want to try the command line application only, please click the following link to download the evaluation version of it: You also need to unzip the ZIP file to your computer for using it. The executable file pdf2dwg.exe in the package is the called program in this conversion.

For PDF to DWG Converter is a command line application which is MS-DOS oriented, you need to open MS-DOS interface at first. Please click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box in which you need to input “cmd” in “Open” combo box and click “OK” button. You can also use the hot key “Window”+ “R” combination on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box.

Then please input the command line in MS-DOS interface. For converting PDF to DWG, the command line must contain called program, source file and target file. The called program is the executable file pdf2dwg.exe mentioned above, source file is the input PDF document and the target file is the output DWG format file. Please see the following command line example:

pdf2dwg.exe C:\test.pdf C:\out.dxf

It means that pdf2dwg.exe will convert C:\test.pdf  to C:\out.dxf. Please remember to use the paths of each file used in the command line and if the path is too long to input, you can just directly drag the file you need into MS-DOS interface and the file will turn to its path automatically.

At last please click “Enter” button on your keyboard to run the conversion from PDF to DWG and you will get the target file in specified location when the conversion is over. If you still have any questions about the application or the conversion, you can leave a reply and we will give you a satisfy answer as soon as we can.

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