Convert PDF to PDF/A and edit PDF creator name

If you want to convert the document of PDF to PDF/A, you can choose the command line application PDF to PDF/A Converter which is specially designed for converting PDF to PDF/A document. Using PDF to PDF/A Converter to convert your PDF files to PDF/A helps to ensure that your documents will be archivable and display reliably.

By using this command line application, you can also edit description for the output PDF document, such as PDF creator name, title, keywords, etc. You just need to use a simple command line to fulfill this task. For the command line application is a MS-DOS oriented application, you need to open MS-DOS prompt window for inputting command line at first.

Before knowing how to convert PDF to PDF/A and edit PDF creator name, you should download the application to your computer. For experiencing the application, you can download a free trial version via clicking the following link: It is only a ZIP file and you should unzip it to your computer. Then the executable file pdf2pdfa.exe which is the called program in this conversion in the package will be runnable.

Then please see the following conversion steps.

Firstly, please use one of the following offered ways to open MS-DOS interface.

  • You can click “Start”—“Run” to open “Run” dialog box and type “cmd” in “Open” combo box of “Run” dialog box. Then click “OK” button.
  • You can also use the hot key “Window”+ “R” combination on the keyboard to open “Run” dialog box.

Secondly, please input the command line which contains called program, parameter for editing PDF creator name, source file and target file just like the following one:

pdf2pdfa.exe – creator Nancy D:\A.pdf C:\A.pdf

In the command line,

  • pdf2pdfa.exe  stands for the called program. Please pay attention to that you should use the full path of it in the command line for calling it.
  • – creator Nancy  is for editing the PDF creator name as “Nancy”.
  • D:\A.pdf  is the path of source file.
  • C:\A.pdf  is for specifying the path of target file.

Lastly, please click “Enter” button to run the conversion. You just need to wait for several seconds until the conversion comes to the end.

If you want to buy the application or want to know more basic information about the command line application PDF to PDF/A Converter, please visit its homepage:

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