A different way to convert rtf to ps using virtual printer

With DOC to Any Converter Command Line, you can convert rtf to ps with the virtual printer in a different way.  And if you are interested in it, you can read the following article.

If you want to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line convert rtf file to ps file with the virtual printer, you need to have DOC to Any Converter Command Line and the virtual printer installed in your computer. If you want to download DOC to Any Converter Command Line and the virtual printer of “docprint pro”, you can the relative links below to download them separately:



Then, you need to double-click the installer separately of theirs in order to install DOC to Any Converter Command Line and the virtual printer of “docprint pro” in your computer. Moreover, for when you decide to use DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert rtf file to ps file with the default virtual printer, you need to set your virtual printer as default printer in your computer.

After the essential installation of DOC to Any Converter Command Line and the virtual printer of “docprint pro”, it is time to open the command prompt window, which is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line in Windows systems, and you can follow the steps below to run the command prompt window:

Click “Windows + R”, you can get the dialog box of “Run”, then please type “cmd.exe” into the dialog box and then press “ok” to run “cmd” in your computer, then the command prompt window can be opened automatically. And the following is the current directory in the command prompt window: C:\Documents and Settings\admin>

Then, in the command prompt window, you can enter into the disc containing the program of “doc2any.exe”, and likely, change the directory to enter into the folder containing the program of “doc2any.exe”. After that, you need to launch DOC to Any Converter Command Line, set the objective properties, add the source file and customize the targeting filename in the command prompt window, which is the basic preparation work. In the end, to process the task, please click “enter” in the command prompt window. If you want to know more, please see the following command line, which can tell you more:

C:\Documents and Settings\admin>E:<enter>

E:\>cd E:\doc2any_cmd<enter>

E:\doc2any_cmd>doc2any –useprinter abc.rtf abc.ps<enter>

For the example above, there are some tips that need to be mentioned below:

E:<enter> is to enter into the disc E; cd is the command line to change directory; E:\doc2any_cmd<enter> is the command line to enter into the folder named “doc2any_cmd”, which contains the program of “doc2any.exe”; doc2any is the command to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line, which is the name of “doc2any.exe”; –useprinter is to prepare to use the default virtual printer; abc.rtf is to add the rtf file with the filename and the file extension; abc.ps is a representative of the objective ps file, which can be used to name the ps file; at last, <enter> is to press “enter”, which is essential to run the whole conversion of rtf to ps.

When this article comes to the end, I think you may handle the method to convert rtf to ps with the virtual printer. And if you want to know more knowledge of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click the following link to visit its homepage: https://www.verydoc.com/doc-to-any-options.html.

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