How to convert rtf to tga and set tga bit-count within several seconds?

To convert rtf to tga and set tga bit-count within several seconds, DOC to Any Converter Command Line can be your best choice. DOC to Any Converter Command Line aims to help users convert MS Word and OpenOffice documents to other popular files with different formats. Also this dreaming tool supports the batch conversion and editing the objective properties. More info about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please visit its official website at :

What is the image bit-count?

The bit-count of the image is the color depth of the image, which can impact on the quality and the size of the bitmap images. There is a golden rule: the more image bit-count is, the more qualified of the raster image, the smaller the raster image file size is, and however, and the image color depends on the raster image format .

And here is the method to convert rtf to tga and set tga bit-count with DOC to Any Converter Command Line below.

1. Click “Windows+R”>the dialog box “Run”>type “cmd” in its edit-box and click “ok” , the command prompt window can be popup, which is the operating environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, and the operation above is the first step for the conversion.

2. Please input the path of “doc2any.exe” in order to run DOC to Any Converter Command Line in the command prompt window. Then you should input the parameter “-bitcount <int>” to edit the bit-count of the targeting file according to your will. Then please input the path of the source file to add the source file and input the objective path to set the targeting file type and and the destination folder. Finally, please click “enter” to convert rtf to tga and set tga bit-count.


(note: “-bitcount 8” is to help you get the grayscale tga images depending on the amount of the source pages)

Here is the end to set tga bit-count during the conversion from rtf to tga. And to know more parameters and more info about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click the following link:

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