How to convert MS Office 2010 xlsx to gif in batches

XLSX is the format of MS Office 2007 and 2010 on Windows platforms, which is a format of a xls spreadsheet. And based on Windows systems, DOC to Any Converter Command Line can provide the quickest speed in the conversion from Office 2010 xlsx to gif in batches, which has been designed to help users produce any kinds of files with different popular formats from Office documents. For the usage of the command lines, this converting tool can provide us a super speed in any conversion. To convert MS Office 2007 xlsx to gif in batches, please read the following paragraphs.

The conversion from xlsx to gif in batches can be done within 2 steps only, and here are the details below:

step1. Please click Windows+R > type cmd.exe > click ok, and later, the command prompt window can be opened, which is just the running environment of DOC to Any Converter Command Line.

step2. Prepare the basic work via the command lines and process the task

to process the batch task, first, please make the sequence of the entire conversion clearly, thus, please refer to the following:

doc2any.exe<space> [options] <space>< xlsx file> <space><gif files><enter>

(note: <> stands for the essential operation; [] stands for the optional operation; “options” stands for the parameters that can help you set the targeting properties)

Then I believe you have already know the exact procedure and format, next, please see the real example of Office 2007 xlsx to gif in batches:

doc2any.exe<space> -height<space>666 <space>d:\devotion\*.xlsx<space>d:\devotion\*.gif<enter>

(note: “-height 666” is to help users set the targeting height as 666)

The key point to get the batch conversion done is to replace all of file names with “*” in each path, and of course, it is also essential to click “enter”, which can help you start to convert Office 2010 xlsx to gif in batches. 

To obtain the trial version of DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:; more parameters for DOC to Any Converter Command Line, please click this link:, where you also can purchase DOC to Any Converter Command Line. Any questions, please let us know as soon as possible, we will give you a reply at once, and thank you for your support!

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