How could we convert OpenOffice documents of ott to flash quickly?

Ott format is one of OpenOffice documents file types, which stands for Open Document Document Template that is a text file format. which is usually applied in the software of OpenOffice. Ott templates are often used for saving company letterheads, memo templates, or templates for other official document types. But how could we overview ott files efficiently, there is a crazy choice for you to choose------convert ott to flash, which you almost can’t believe it is true sometimes. So this article is to use this fantastic converting tool ---- DOC to Any Converter Command Line to convert ott to flash quickly.

1. Open DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system:

Click [start] button in your pc, and press [Run] in the start menu, then input [cmd] in the dialog box of [Run], and click [ok] button, so MS-DOS system could be open like this:


Then input [cd\] and click [Enter] button of keyboard, then program could return to root directory. Before you use DOC to Any Converter Command Line in MS-DOS system, first, you need to ensure the location of [doc2any.exe]in order to be ready for using converter. For mine is on the disk (D), so I have to input [D:], for example and click [Enter] button, then program will jump to directory of D disk. Finally, please input the path of [doc2any.exe] and click [space] button to be continued.


2.  Prepare the source file for the conversion:

Follow the last step, please input source path of ott, then click [space] button of keyboard to be continued.


3. Input a targeting folder and custom flash file name:

Drag the targeting route of objective folder into the dialog box of MS-DOS, then type [\] and input a new name you would like, and make flash file extension as [. swf], for . swf is one of flash file extensions.


4. Click [Enter] button of keyboard, then the conversion of ott to flash in MS-DOS system could be on.


To know more about DOC to Any Converter Command Line, just click here:

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