64bit version of Spool File Page Counter SDK. How to call Spool File Page Counter SDK from 64bit application?

Q: Is it possible to get a set of binaries compiled for x64 platform?

A: Page Counter SDK contains a FileInfoCOM.exe file, this is a COM interface, it can be called from both 32bit and 64bit EXE processes, you can run following command line with Administrator privilege to register this COM into your system,

FileInfoCOM.exe /regserver

64bit version of Spool File Page Counter SDK. How to call Spool File Page Counter SDK from 64bit application?

you can call it from your VB6 code like below.

strFileName = varPathCurrent & "\test_tiger.eps"


Set FileInfoCom = CreateObject("FileInfoCOM.FileInfoClass")

FileInfoCom.com_ReadInfoSetCode ("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

nRet = FileInfoCom.com_ReadInfoFromPSFile(strFileName, bIsRenderToPDF, bwPageCount, colorPageCount, copyCount, nPageWidth, nPageHeight, strPaperSizeName)


strMsg = strMsg + "FileName = " + strFileName + vbCrLf

strMsg = strMsg + "bIsRenderToPDF = " + CStr(bIsRenderToPDF) + vbCrLf

strMsg = strMsg + "bwPageCount = " + CStr(bwPageCount) + vbCrLf

strMsg = strMsg + "colorPageCount = " + CStr(colorPageCount) + vbCrLf

strMsg = strMsg + "copyCount = " + CStr(copyCount) + vbCrLf

strMsg = strMsg + "PageWidth = " + CStr(nPageWidth) + vbCrLf

strMsg = strMsg + "PageHeight = " + CStr(nPageHeight) + vbCrLf

strMsg = strMsg + "PaperSizeName = " + CStr(strPaperSizeName) + vbCrLf

MsgBox strMsg


This is the C# example which can be compiled with "AnyCPU" mode,

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using System.Text;

using FileInfoCOM;


namespace ParsingTest {

    class Program {


        static void Main(string[] args)


            if (args.Length != 1)


                Console.WriteLine("test.exe C:\\test.pcl");

                Console.WriteLine("test.exe C:\\test.ps");



            Console.Write("args length is ");

            Console.WriteLine(args.Length); // Write array length

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) // Loop through array


                string argument = args[i];

                Console.Write("args index ");

                Console.Write(i); // Write index

                Console.Write(" is [");

                Console.Write(argument); // Write string



            string fileName = args[0];

            int bIsRenderToPDF = 0;

            int bwPageCount = 0;

            int colorPageCount = 0;

            int copyCount = 0;

            double nPageWidth = 0;

            double nPageHeight = 0;

            string strPaperSizeName = new string(' ', 300);


            FileInfoCOM.FileInfoClass objFileInfoCom =
                  new FileInfoCOM.FileInfoClassClass();



            objFileInfoCom.com_ReadInfoFromPCLFile(fileName, bIsRenderToPDF,
                  ref bwPageCount, ref colorPageCount,
ref copyCount, ref nPageWidth,
ref nPageHeight, ref strPaperSizeName);


            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("File: {0}", fileName));

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Render To PDF: {0}", bIsRenderToPDF));

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("BW Pages: {0}", bwPageCount));

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Color Pages: {0}", colorPageCount));

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Width: {0}", nPageWidth));

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Height: {0}", nPageHeight));

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Paper name: {0}", strPaperSizeName));




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One Reply to “64bit version of Spool File Page Counter SDK. How to call Spool File Page Counter SDK from 64bit application?”

  1. I get an error message while trying to run FileInfoCOM.exe /regserver from the cmd prompt on windows 10.

    The message is “Unexpected error; quitting”

    Because your cmd window hasn’t administrator privilege, please run a cmd window with administrator privilege first, and run following command line to register FileInfoCOM.exe, you will get it work fine,

    FileInfoCOM.exe /regserver

    To complete these procedures, you must be a member of the Administrators group.

    1. To start a command prompt as an administrator
    * Click Start, click All Programs, and then click Accessories.
    * Right-click Command prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
    * If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.

    2. To start a command prompt as an administrator (alternative method)
    * Click Start.
    * In the Start Search box, type cmd, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
    * If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue.


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