-f <int> : first page to convert
-l <int> : last page to convert
-r <int> : resolution, in DPI (default is 100)
-quality <int> : set quality for JPEG file, default is 95
-imgformat <int> : 0 is JPEG, 1 is PNG, 2 is GIF
-opw <string> : owner password (for encrypted PDF file)
-upw <string> : user password (for encrypted PDF file)
-onehtm : generate in one continuous HTML page
-oneword : create accurate HTML files
-noimg : remove images from HTML files
-notxtidx : remove text index file from HTML files
-notextinbody : remove text from HTML's body
-notextinmeta : remove text from HTML's meta
-noseo : don't optimize HTML files for search engines
-homeurl <string>: add a home URL into the left index page
-yoffset <int> : set Y offset for HTML page contents
-noutf8 : remove UTF8 header to compatible with Firefox
-$ <string> : input your License Key